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Friday, June 6, 2008

Who Cares About Internet Gurus?

Most of us have had a share of self-proclaimed experts telling us to do this or that in order to make money online. Who are these people teaching us the art of being rich? Why are they called the Internet gurus?

The thing is, there is nothing wrong with Internet gurus. They exist because they want to earn and help at the same time.

Earn. We all need to earn, don't we? Everyone needs to work hard in order to earn. Internet gurus don't just sit there and type away words to convince you to quit your job, and buy their products so you can be an Internet guru just like them.

A real Internet guru is someone who has spent long months or years to study the ins and outs of online marketing. Not that it's necessary to get a bachelor's degree in order to become an Internet guru. You don't even need a diploma to become an online marketing expert.

These Internet gurus, degree holder or not - have gone through intricate trial and error procedures that, in some ways, might have discouraged them to go on. It took them guts, patience, and perseverance before things finally turn out positive.

What you buy from Internet gurus are their time and effort, the toils and troubles that they had to go through to learn everything about online marketing. And to impart this hard-earned knowledge about online marketing should, at least, cost something.

Help. This is the measure of being a real Internet guru. Since looking for help is the first thing that every wannabe online marketer does, hundreds of Internet gurus see this as a big window for them to earn, they'd offer to send newsletters or sell online guides which, they claim, can help you become the best online marketer in town.

Internet gurus should always be eager to help others. Of course, in his mind, he might have the idea of earning while helping. You might agree if I say that the Internet is not a charity institution. But neither is the Internet made for the sole purpose of ripping off people. What you should watch out for are "Internet gurus" who claim that they know everything about online marketing and are willing to help, but are actually out to rip you off.

With thousands of Internet users claiming to be gurus, it's important to tell which among them are genuine. There are thousands of scammers out there who'll do nothing for you but to rip you off. So keep your eyes open.

Matthew is the creator of TheWebReviewer: Online Money Making Reviews, and NetWebVideo: Make Money Online Free Videos. Matt currently resides in Southern California and is married with two children and has been an internet marketer since 2006.

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